About me

I'm a starcraft 2 masters league zerg grinding my way to the top 200 (eventually). I play a lot, practice a lot, and complain a lot. Go ahead and add me cSObroto.827. I will be posting FPVODs, strategies, and casts.

Watch live video from Zerg Starcraft 2 Grandmaster Quest on Justin.tv

My Starcraft 2 Stream
I do replay reviews, practice on ladder, and offer Starcraft 2 Coaching here

Visit: SC2Review.net for coaching or to submit replays for review!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Update on Jungle Basin and a bit on Adsense

Some Starcraft II news:

An update live on the EU server is a small change to Jungle Basin, but will change the game a LOT.  There is now a gold base outside of your main base.  3rd base is easy now... but Terran is going to be able to herp derp stomp everything and take its 4th base so easy.  It's going to be interesting to see how games will now be played on this map.

Off topic news -
An interesting note on Adsense: It seems that for those using Adsense, users won't get credit for when people click on an ad and don't stay on the advertisement for more that 20-25 seconds.  It's a shame for bloggers and other users that attract traffic towards those ads because it's not his/her fault that the advertisement cannot keep the attention of its clickers. 

I'll be posting another first person VOD later today of one of my ladder games, so stay tuned!


  1. This is probably why I only have 1 click from today, but over 100 views. lol


  2. I wish I had more time for SC :(

  3. I agree with the Adsense comment. We do our job by writing interesting topics and attracting readers to our page. When we write said topics, we lure people into becoming interested in said topics. In turn, they're more apt to click on an ad of those topics. Our job should be complete then. If the reader finds the site, company, and/or products to be of low quality such that they can see that in 10 seconds, how is that our fault?

    I follow and support those who do likewise. toastburnt.blogspot.com

  4. i agree with your take earning revenue with adsense, some ads landing pages just effin suck. to bad there is no way to rank the landing page whenever u land on one from an ad. that would save so much damn time, and we could vote on relevance

  5. Like the info on this map. And seriously what the heck is with that adsense stuff!?!

  6. Lookin forward to watchin your game later!
    Have you tried any of the in-game-made games that people make on SC2? Theres some pretty neat stuff it seems...

  7. does that mean there will be a total of 4 gold fields or will the center expos now be standard minerals?

  8. @Adsense aww man really? That's a bummer, though good looking out and letting the peeps know.

  9. Pretty sweet blog, followed. Check out mine.


  10. Map change is interesting. And thanks for the info on Adsense!

  11. Interesting map change, and thanks for the Adsense info

  12. You better stay on for more than 20-25 seconds!

  13. Worth noting that spurious short clicks hurt you twice over - you get paid 0.01 but they bump your CTR ratio making it look like you're engaged in some kind of dodgey click-frausd.

  14. looking forward to 3rd and 4th base lol

    even the poor bloggers that had the ads open in tabs for 20-25 seconds? lol

  15. Thanks for the heads up!

