About me

I'm a starcraft 2 masters league zerg grinding my way to the top 200 (eventually). I play a lot, practice a lot, and complain a lot. Go ahead and add me cSObroto.827. I will be posting FPVODs, strategies, and casts.

Watch live video from Zerg Starcraft 2 Grandmaster Quest on Justin.tv

My Starcraft 2 Stream
I do replay reviews, practice on ladder, and offer Starcraft 2 Coaching here

Visit: SC2Review.net for coaching or to submit replays for review!

Monday, January 31, 2011

Streaming Now!

I'll be streaming for an hour or two live in just a few minutes (~1:45pm EST)! Just press play if it says LIVE on the top right!

Come on justin.tv if you want to chat with other viewers.

Watch live video from brotosterone's SCII stream on Justin.tv


  1. The streams a bit laggy, but from what I can see, impressive stuff.
    I hear a lot of clicks, keep that apm up.

  2. aww I missed it, im sure it was good.

  3. I'm on pacific time. think i was still asleep. haha.

  4. Missed the stream :(

  5. fuuuuuuuuuuu im too late :(

    your friend,

  6. Can't wait to see you in action, I play a little you know.

  7. How did it go? I think I was working >.< do this on the weekend I'll catch it

