About me

I'm a starcraft 2 masters league zerg grinding my way to the top 200 (eventually). I play a lot, practice a lot, and complain a lot. Go ahead and add me cSObroto.827. I will be posting FPVODs, strategies, and casts.

Watch live video from Zerg Starcraft 2 Grandmaster Quest on Justin.tv

My Starcraft 2 Stream
I do replay reviews, practice on ladder, and offer Starcraft 2 Coaching here

Visit: SC2Review.net for coaching or to submit replays for review!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Starcraft 2 Coaching and Reviews of Replays

Starcraft 2 Coaching and Reviews of Replays

Starcraft 2 Coaching

Hi guys! Just wanted to let you know that my site is up and running. I have a few coaches, including myself, offering Starcraft 2 coaching. If anyone is interested, please visit SC2Review.net, and click around and check out the following options.

I plan to be much more active in Starcraft 2 coaching and reviewing replays.

So make sure to come and check me out, where it be through coaching or replay reviews. I should also have a youtube page up and running shortly which will have all the reviews of Starcraft 2 replays that I do.

As far as my Starcraft 2 coaching experience...

I am a new coach, but I have helped a few students reach higher leagues already. In addition, I actively compete in tournaments and have a fairly high ladder ranking. As for my teaching experience, outside of Starcraft 2, I was a teacher's assistant for undergraduate Organic Chemistry. I also do a lot of lectures regarding health related topics currently. I hope if anyone comes to check out the coaching pages, to consider me for your Starcraft 2 coaching.

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