About me

I'm a starcraft 2 masters league zerg grinding my way to the top 200 (eventually). I play a lot, practice a lot, and complain a lot. Go ahead and add me cSObroto.827. I will be posting FPVODs, strategies, and casts.

Watch live video from Zerg Starcraft 2 Grandmaster Quest on Justin.tv

My Starcraft 2 Stream
I do replay reviews, practice on ladder, and offer Starcraft 2 Coaching here

Visit: SC2Review.net for coaching or to submit replays for review!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Starcraft 2 Replays - Analysis from SC2Review.net

Starcraft 2 Replays - Analysis from SC2Review.net

Just wanted to give everyone an example of a analysis that was done on my "Review of Starcraft 2 Replays" site. We are still working on quality and being more fluid with our speech, but soon we will be rolling out as many reviews as possible. Here is just a simple game where we discuss decision making as well as general macro tips.

The player played decently well, however made some terrible decisions in terms of engaging the opponent's army.

I'm working on trying to go more in-depth with certain things, and taking things slower. Possibly using replays to get a certain point across, and perhaps make a series of how to get from bronze to master league or something, but we'll see.

For now, enjoy this replay review.

Starcraft 2 Replays - Review #6 Part 1

Starcraft 2 Replays - Review #6 Part 2

Want one of your Starcraft 2 Replays reviewed? Go to SC2Review! (Link below)

SC2Review's analysis of Starcraft 2 Replays

We also have a variety of coaches offering Starcraft 2 Coaching who also can review Starcraft 2 replays.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Starcraft 2 Coaching and Reviews of Replays

Starcraft 2 Coaching and Reviews of Replays

Starcraft 2 Coaching

Hi guys! Just wanted to let you know that my site is up and running. I have a few coaches, including myself, offering Starcraft 2 coaching. If anyone is interested, please visit SC2Review.net, and click around and check out the following options.

I plan to be much more active in Starcraft 2 coaching and reviewing replays.

So make sure to come and check me out, where it be through coaching or replay reviews. I should also have a youtube page up and running shortly which will have all the reviews of Starcraft 2 replays that I do.

As far as my Starcraft 2 coaching experience...

I am a new coach, but I have helped a few students reach higher leagues already. In addition, I actively compete in tournaments and have a fairly high ladder ranking. As for my teaching experience, outside of Starcraft 2, I was a teacher's assistant for undergraduate Organic Chemistry. I also do a lot of lectures regarding health related topics currently. I hope if anyone comes to check out the coaching pages, to consider me for your Starcraft 2 coaching.